Growing your own medicinal marijuana is a liberating experience. You control all the variables. You know exactly what is in the bud you are smoking. grow box is a discreet and easy way to grow marijuana indoors at home, freeing yourself from dependence on both doctor and dispensary.
Gain independence with a grow box
A grow box is like a tiny, camouflaged green house. It is a self-contained unit with soil or hydroponic growing medium, lights, filters and pumps. Just add seeds, electricity and voila! You are growing your own medicinal marijuana.
Choose the right marijuana strain for you
There are two important considerations when choosing a strain of medicinal marijuana to grow yourself:
Your Medical Requirements – Are you looking for a powerful sedative effect to help with your insomnia or a functional day-time smoke to relieve pain and lighten anxiety?
Your Growing Space – Choose small, bushy strains like Indica or hybrid seeds instead of a tall, leggy Sativa. For your first grow an auto-flowering marijuana variety is the best choice because they require very little care or expertise.
Grow enough marijuana to meet your needs
Grow boxes are available in all sizes. Several surveys in the UK, Canada and the US suggest that most medicinal marijuana patients use 1-3 grams per day, or about 2 ½ pounds per year.
Even the tiny PC Grow Box, which holds just two small plants, can produce two pounds of dried bud per year. The compact SuperBox allows you to grow 8 plants at once with annual yields of 7 pounds or more.
Grow your medicinal marijuana under lights
Marijuana grows best under lights that mimic natural sunlight. There are three common types of grow lights used in the cultivation of marijuana:
- Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)
- High Intensity Discharge Lights (HIDs)
- Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
Most grow boxes use either CFL or full spectrum LED grow lights. HIDs don’t work well in the enclosed space of a grow box because they get too hot.
While you can grow small amounts of marijuana successfully using CFLs, high quality LED grow lights save electricity and produce the highest yields.
Obtain higher yields using hydroponics
A hydroponic system doesn’t use soil. Growing hydroponic marijuana is not as complex as it may sound.
Many grow boxes come with a simple hydroponic system already set-up. You simply add nutrients, which often come with the grow box, and water. You can even choose to grow marijuana with organic nutrients.
Grow marijuana naturally in soil
Some people prefer to grow marijuana as naturally as possible. The Earth Cab grow box series is one style of grow box designed for soil.
Grow a continuous supply of medicinal marijuana
Once you get started you don’t need new seeds for each growing cycle. You can propagate new marijuana plants by taking cuttings, called clones, of your favorite existing plant.
A dual chamber grow box has a special space for making clones. These grow boxes allow you to produce a constant supply of fresh buds.
Find the perfect grow box for your situation
For the many medicinal growers discretion is essential. Look for a specially designed stealth grow box.
You can also choose a fully automated grow box that allows you to leave town for two weeks and come home to healthy plants.
Use this detailed review of the best grow boxes of 2015 to find the perfect set-up for you.
Grow medicinal marijuana at home with a grow box