How To Use Rick Simpson Oil


Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is an incredibly concentrated form of cannabis designed for serious medical use. It’s stronger than typical cannabis extracts and dosing should not be taken lightly. 

How To Use Rick Simpson Oil

Here’s our guide on how to use Rick Simpson Oil:

Stick To The Recommendations

RSO is known for being incredibly potent. It’s not possible to die from overdose, but it can be very unpleasant. Stick to the dosing guidelines below and read our guide on what to do if you get too high.

Know Your Strain

The higher the CBD to THC ratio, the less high you’ll get. Indica strains are preferred because they’ll put you to sleep if you take too much. Sativas can make you feel uncomfortably anxious when taken in the recommended quantity.

Work Your Way Up To A Full Dose

Take 3 doses (each half the size of a small grain of rice) each day for the first 4 days. Double the quantity every 4 days until you are taking 1 gram/day (takes about 36 days). Read more about dosage here.

Apply Directly To Visible Tumors

If your tumors are visible, mix the oil with coconut or olive oil to make it easier to spread on your skin. Cover the area with a bandage and change it every 3 or 4 days.

Eat It

If you have internal tumors, put the RSO on a piece of toast with your favorite spread or put it in an empty capsule. If you don’t mind the taste, you can place it under your tongue for the most efficient absorption.

Plan For Side Effects

For most patients, the worst effect from the oil is sleepiness. Your body probably needs rest anyways, so plan to relax after taking your medicine.

Reduce Your Dose After Treatment

If you’re declared cancer-free, start cutting down. Continue taking your full dose of 1 gram/day for 2 weeks after your cancer is gone. Maintain with 1 gram/month after treatment.

Have you tried RSO? What do’s and don’ts would you recommend to other patients? Comment below.

Alyssa Gocinski
Alyssa Gocinski
Alyssa majors in Journalism at Emerson College. While abroad in the Netherlands, she became interested in drug policy when interviewing locals about the cannabis industry. Alyssa researches widespread material and breaks it down into enjoyable and easy-to-read pieces.


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