CBD and Bipolar Disorder: Can Hemp Cannabidiol Treat This Health Condition?


Bipolar disorder can affect anyone and although it mainly has genetic roots, sometimes factors such as environment, age, and other factors can cause its development. There has been a great deal of research lately concerning potential remedies for bipolar disorder. One particular focus is cannabis. Although the research seems to be conflicted in that some studies show that it may work better than traditional drugs for mania and depression, other studies show that it may cause an increase in depressive symptoms. There is also the issue of whether cannabis is addictive, as there are some studies that show that those with bipolar disorder are nearly seven times more likely to use marijuana illicitly.

There are those that are taking a different approach to cannabis and bipolar disorder. Rather than focus on the effects of cannabis, it may be better to delve deeper and into the type of chemical makeup and amount of cannabidiol.

Understanding THC and CBD

The two most prominent compounds in marijuana are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).Though both of these substances impact the endocannabinoid system that is responsible for appetite, mood, memory, and sensation, their impact varies depending upon the amount of each compound in the cannabis. Further, dissimilar from CBD, THC is a psychoactive substance. Therefore, it promotes that high feeling.

On the other hand, CBD is a calming substance that may be able to alleviate pain, it could reduce anxiety, inflammation, and other issues. There are also some studies that suggest that the properties of CBD may mitigate THC’s psychoactive properties.

Full-Spectrum or Isolate CBD

Given the psychoactive effects that THC can cause, it may be best to use CBD. When choosing a CBD product, there are two main types – isolate and full-spectrum. Isolate is stripped from powerful and potent compounds, such as cannabinoids, fatty-acids and terpenes. These substances are responsible for promoting a range of benefits. On the other hand, isolate is free from such substances, but there are studies that suggest that it may be more potent. The decision is, of course, a personal one.

CBD and Bipolar Disordar Summary

Overall, CBD may have the potential to treat bipolar disorder. However, at this point, there is no conclusive evidence on the issue. There is also an open question as to whether CBD with THC or just CBD on its own may be best, or whether it is better to use a full-spectrum product or an isolate. These questions may take time and of course, research to answer. The best thing that users can do is to stay abreast of new information and CBD development.



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